KLDA Membership drive kicks off in November 2021.
KLDA needs you and you need KLDA. The future, Our repsonsibility In November 2021 KLDA embarked on a membership recruitment drive in various social spaces. The aim of this exercise was to market and create awareness of KLDA to both the new Karen residents and also existing residents.There was a felt need to run the […]
Cocktail Tuesday
KLDA usually holds an informal cocktail every first Tuesday of the month and it also produces a guide to state-run and private facilities and services in the area free to members and Ksh 300 to non members.
KLDA Annual General Meeting 2021
The 81st Annual general meeting was held on March 17th 2021 at the Tamambo, Karen Blixen Coffee Garden. The KLDA annual AGMs are normally held in March of every year, where an election is held and committee members are elected, the new team of officials assume office. Officials are elected by present KLDA members at […]
Karen Clean Up
Annual Cleanup Exercise On 22nd September 2018 KLDA had a successful clean up exercise that brought together residents, students within Karen institutions, corporate bodies together to clean up Karen shopping center. The cleanup exercise was a great success, then there was the BIG question as to why not make it an annual event as a […]