About KLDA
KLDA has eighty years of experience, a track record of success,
and a passion for protecting and conserving the Karen area.

About us
The Future - Our Responsibility
We support a growing, multiculturally diverse and cosmopolitan Karen
Join KLDA and... Help in development control Have a say in the future of your neighborhoodMake sure your rates are used for your benefitEnhance security in your areaIncrease water supplyImprove roadsStay informed about events in the areaReceive KLDA news updatesShare ideas and support your community
A long history, a rich heritage,
an even brighter future.
Working together to protect the environment and plan for the future.
Our vision for Karen and Langata
The goal of the KLDA is to promote and safeguard an environmentally clean, serene, and safe residential and business suburb in Nairobi. Over the years, the association has, with varying degrees of challenges and success, maintaining the area's character, despite the growing population and social-political dynamics.
The association strives to ensure that the area is a well serviced, safe, peaceful, and environmentally friendly place to live. The KLDA has an excellent public reputation for actively representing residents, especially in advocating for services through negotiation, argument, publicity, and legal action where necessary.
KLDA helping residents
The KLDA has gained its strong reputation by taking an active stance on issues that concern the residents of Karen and Langata and affect residents of Nairobi as a whole. It has given confidence to many more recently developed residents associations that turn to the KLDA for advice.
To seek support from the KLDA on issues residents perceive as inappropriate in a residential neighborhood; residents must first join the association.
While the Karen area has grown to cover 30,000 households, only about one-tenth of residents are members. To show strength through numbers and to be able to retain the character of the neighborhood, the KLDA now needs more members.
A brief timeline of KLDA's history
KLDA over the years

KLDA Founded
This is the oldest resident association in Nairobi, formed in 1940 as Ngong District Association (NDA) by the colonial administrators. The European settlers (British) formed it to protect their interests. The association serves Karen and Langata areas located on the Southern part of Nairobi.
After independence, the old name NDA was changed to KLDA. The change was necessary because: first, Ngong, the name the association was operating on no longer embraced Karen and Langata area served by the association and secondly, the association had to draw a new constitution which would allow the participation of all Karen and Langata residents irrespective of colour, race, sex or creed.

Change of committe
Elections at KLDA are held at each AGM where officers and committee members are elected. Only the Chairman’s term of office runs for two years but can only offer himself/herself for re-election for a period not exceeding one further consecutive term.
The other elected officers and committee members retire annually but are eligible for re-election. In the AGM members get to know the annual performance of the association, they decide the amount to be paid as subscription fee and what the money should be used for.
Elections are held regularly to ensure that leaders do not become entrenched in the office. The members elect their leaders on the basis of their performance. The leaders of KLDA are accessible, transparent and accountable and members are free to call them anytime they have issues to discuss with them.

Major Milestone
ELC PET. NO. 40 OF 2018- KLDA Vs. NCC KLDA instituted legal proceedings in 2018 against the Nairobi City County Government for ignoring the Recognition Agreement between KLDA and Nairobi City County signed on 3 March 2017. The Recognition Agreement stated that development approvals by NCC within Karen/Lang’ata should involve residents and if their views are rejected, NCC should give reasons. KLDA sought orders compelling NCC to provide reasons including development permissions, Change of User and complying with LPDP. Judgment was delivered on 21/10/2021 and KLDA won the suit in that the Environment and Land Court barred the Nairobi City County Government, its Officers or its agents from further approving developments without consulting the residents as aforesaid. The Advocates have already extracted orders to NCC and NEMA.

Legal Succeses
KLDA would like to update members on two legal matters that have been handled successfully by KLDA Advocates.
1. ELC PET. NO. 40 OF 2018 KLDA vs NCC KLDA instituted legal proceedings in 2018 against the Nairobi City County Government for ignoring the agreement btwn KLDA and NCC signed on 3/03/17. The Recognition Agreement stated that development approval by NCC within Karen/Langata should involve residents and if their views are rejected, NCC should give reasons.
KLDA sought orders compelling NCC to provide reasons including development permissions, Change of user and complying with LPDP.
Judgement was delivered on 21/10/2021 and KLDA won the suit in that the Environment and Land court barred the NCC, its officers or its agents from further approving developments without consulting the residents as aforesaid. The advocates are in the process of extracting the orders.
Power China Int’l GRP LTD made a proposal for a development on LR No 1008/2019 on Dagoretti RD and proposed to hold public participation virtually because of covid 19.The proposed mixed use development comprised of ; A three-storey office block with a floor area of 9186m2
Five three storey residential blocks to house their local staff and their guests.
Two gate houses and an ancillary services building with a total floor area of 180m2.
98 parking spaces with two loading bays for trucks.
An existing dilapidated double storey house that was to be renovated into a residency.
AN on-site waste-water treatment plant and a water borehole.
KLDA proceeded to court and got an order against
a virtual public participation meeting in view of serious environmental issues involved and thereafter entered a consent on 24/11/2020 to have a public participation on the following grounds;
Their right to clean and healthy environment.
The environmental considerations arising from the proposed project.
The size and nature of the proposed project.
Whether the project falls within the current local physical development plan (LPDP) for Karen/Langata areas.

More Milestones
- Setting up Neighbourhood Associations. So far we have over 40 Neighborhood Associations registered under Karen Langata District Association.
- Stopping illegal developments. Developments that do not conform to the Karen & Langata Physical Development Plan (LPDP,or.ke/publications) developed by residents, Nairobi City Council, National Lands Commission between 2002 to 2006. This document was then made into law.
- KLDA was able to stop the Chinese development in 2016 at Hillcrest, to build their Standard Gauge Railway Headquarters, Dormitories for their workers, training school and housing for the headquarter management.
- Engaging with statutory bodies to address Karen Residents concerns and a follow up until the matters are addressed.(Nairobi City County, National Environment Management Authority(NEMA), Kenya Power, Kenya Urban Roads Authority etc.
- KLDA has been instrumental in ensuring that Karen Roads are maintained and repaired by the Roads Authority, 56 roads were repaired between 2015 and 2016 based on the list that KLDA has submitted to the Roads Authority.
- We continue to increase the membership by encouraging more residents to join the Association. So far over 3,000 residents are members of KLDA.
- KLDA developed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Nairobi County Government and Karen & Langata District Association to be involved in Development Control and to be made an agency on land rates collection in Karen & Langata area. The MOU has been signed and it is being implemented.
- KLDA has been instrumental in ensuring that Developers involve residents in a public participation meeting before undertaking any development.
- KLDA holds social evenings every first Wednesday of the Month and invites statutory bodies for example Roads Authorities,Kenya Power, National Social Insurance Fund(NSSF), National Hospital Insurance Fund(NHIF),Nairobi Water, etc . Residents also get to meet and know their neighbours in such meetings.
- Water issues have been a nightmare in Karen over the years, KLDA has been engaging with the Nairobi Water Company and the Nairobi City County to ensure that Karen Residents enjoy the water like other areas in Nairobi. So far almost all neighbourhoods are now on the Nairobi Water schedule at least once or twice in a week.
- KLDA managed to stop land grabbing in the area. For example, a plot on Mbagathi Ridge belonging to one of our members, has had two grabbing attempts.KLDA was able to intervene and got his land back. A five acre plot in Mukoma that had been grabbed and sold to a senior official in Government, KLDA intervened the owner got it back.
We have a great team
KLDA over the years
We are here to solve your problems and cater to your needs
Development Control
Since the approval of the Local Physical Development Plan (LPDP), 2006, which was drawn up by the Association’s volunteers, and which laid down the rules and limitations for development in the area, the KLDA has ensured that the plan is followed. However, despite the plan being gazetted and adopted by government authorities, the Association has faced challenges with enforcement, often leading to legal processes. As the land use policy is reviewed by the government, KLDA’s inputs are incorporated into the development and land use policies that will eventually guide the development path for the area to follow. Our vision is for the area to grow as one that is low density, residential.
Land Rates Collection
We collect land rates on behalf of our members and remit them annually to Nairobi City County (NCC). Due to an increased number of rate payers who submit the payment to the KLDA for onward payment to the NCC, we now remit rates every 25 January, February and March (March being the final date). Once the payment has been made, residents collect their receipts from the KLDA office, saving them time and transport costs in going to Nairobi’s central business district.
Water issues
The water supply is a huge challenge to area residents due to old piping, combined with interference in the water schedule. If we know that an area does not receive water as per the schedule, we report it, and take it up with the water authorities to ensure it receives attention.
Road repairs and maintenance
Every year, the KLDA sends a list of roads in need of maintenance to the relevant authorities. In 2018, Kenya Urban Roads Authority allocated about 174 small roads in Karen for repairs and maintenance during the period 2017/2021. This is team work between residents and the KLDA. You report, we take it up and follow it through.
Kenya Power
The KLDA and Kenya Power have developed a good rapport, particularly in dealing with power outages within the Karen area. In fact, the KLDA runs a Whatsapp group with Kenya Power officials, neighbourhood association representatives and residents, all participating. The group’s purpose is purely for reporting power related issues, and through it our power issues are quickly addressed thanks to our good relationship with Kenya Power.
The KLDA has a structured working relationship with the Kenya Police, at Hardy, Karen and Langata police stations, as well as with private security companies operating in the area. A KLDA security subcommittee regularly meets with police and security officers to discuss the security status and to update residents by email or occasionally Whatsapp, if need be.
The KLDA is involved in various environmental activities, such as garbage collection, noise pollution (from events’ venues), tree cutting and planting, and area clean-ups. The KLDA was recently mandated by the Nairobi City County to issue permits for events that may emit excess noise. By doing this noise issues are regulated. We have received very positive feedback from residents on this issue.
Partnerships within the community
The KLDA has partnered with various companies within the Karen and Langata area, who have generously donated towards pedestrian litter bins and sponsorship of KLDA members’ meetings, including the AGM. We have also received corporate support towards clean-up exercises, creating a platform for corporates to directly interact with residents.
Introducing new members to their neighbourhood association
The KLDA helps new residents to settle in by introducing them to their local neighborhood association.
Legal advice
By consulting a panel of lawyers within the community, the KLDA has been able to advise residents on relevant legal disputes and also assist in dispute resolution between neighbours by clarifying the law and when someone has overstepped it.
Frequently asked questions

Who we work with
Our Partners
Our goals are ambitious and can only be met in partnership with others.

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